Friday, December 25, 2015

Another Year Has Come and Gone

Well, here goes again with my feeble attempt to put together a wrap up for 2015.  It has been a good year in some respects, but a poor one in others - poor being the operative word here.  Seniors who live on a fixed income have been suffering low or non-existent interest rates for about eight years now, and it doesn't show signs of improving anytime soon.  I'm certainly glad that I planned ahead, but I would sure like to see more than the paltry returns I get on my savings and investments.

Health-wise, it was a pretty darned good year until the very end, when both Judy and I had dental problems.  Mine was a back molar that needed a root canal and, of course, a crown to complete it.  Judy needed a crown on one of her lower front teeth, and the one she got (temporary) is the wrong color.  I hope they will correct that after all the $$$ we spent.

We took several road trips this year.  We visited Corning Glass Museum and the Finger Lakes in the spring.  Then we tried to visit six national parks in 14 days; Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Glacier, Arches, Canyonlands and Black Canyon.  We did manage to get to every one of them, but the tail end of our trip was rained out and we hightailed it for home, skipping another part of the itinerary in Alabama.  Well, as it turned out, we got our opportunity to make the Alabama trip a long weekend one in the fall, and I finally got to visit the Unclaimed Baggage Center in Scottsboro.  I have to go back there sometime and spend a day or two browsing.

This turned out to be my lucky year for the Augusta National (a.k.a. The Masters), in that I finally got to go to the final round with Jeff, my son-in-law, and we walked just about the entire course.  We arrived a little after noon, so the first two or three pairs were back in the clubhouse by then, but we got to see all the finalists and watched Jordan Spieth win  the Green Jacket (Well, we didn't stay for the ceremony, but we did see him) 

My work with now includes an advisory role for anyone who is planning a road trip and wants advice on routes, attractions and accommodations.  It is neat to help others plan an itinerary with lots of activities and sights to see. 

Another nice side benefit of working online for is that I've befriended several other advisors, one a lady of about my age from Australia, (they call it OZ) who is way ahead of me in her travels. This year she took a 182-day trip that crossed the United States east-to-west to Alaska and back to Boston and then north-to-south to Key West, Florida.  to finish the trip, she drove out to Colorado and put her truck in storage for her next adventure.

I'm already in the planning stages for two road trips next year, one to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in the early summer and another up to New England for fall foliage, one of my bucket list items I've decided is past due. 

My granddaughter now has her very own bassoon and she is quite accomplished on it.  Maybe a philharmonic career in the making, there.  And her brother plays both clarinet and Tenor Sax, so maybe jazz band for him?

My grandson has changed from his job at Lowe's to one with Columbia County, where we all live here near Augusta.  He is part of a 3-man drain team (storm drains, not sewers) which they maintain.  When it rains, as it has for about the past week, the crew is not able or required to go down into the drains, so there is a lot of paid down time; a pretty nice piece of work, if you ask me.

That seems to be the only noteworthy news from this past year, so I won't bore you any further.  Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year in 2016, and I hope to be around to do this again next December.