Saturday, September 27, 2014

New Word/Term

 I have a new word that is perfect for use in conversations between opposing sides in the abortion debate. It is not politically charged like the terms “pro-choice,” “pro-life” and “pro-abortion.”  If you think about it, “pro-choice” really can be taken as either “pro-life” or “pro-abortion” anyway; it doesn’t define your true opinion very well.

Okay, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer.  The word is “prolific.”

pro·lif·ic   /prəˈlifik/  adj.
1. (of a plant, or animal, or person) Producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring.
2. (of an artist, author, or composer) Producing many works.
Synonyms: fertile; fruitful; fecund; productive; rich

The appropriate definition is the first one, since it does refer to a lot of fruit or foliage or, in this case, kids.  The person who claims to be “prolific” is stating that he or she likes many kids, which has to mean they like pregnancy carried to term.

The coolness of the word is that it is sure to confuse the opposition.  The pro-abortion guy or gal won’t really know just what the heck the user really advocates, and therefore will have to listen on to try to determine the mindset and formulate a response.  There will actually be a debate instead of a lot of name-calling.

Now isn’t that an improvement?