Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Unrequited Salute

This column is off topic.  There is a column titled “The Unrequited Salute,” but it will likely be next week’s edition, because I’m curious to learn how many, and which  people are actually reading my columns.  I spend a lot of time and effort writing my columns, but there are indications that many people never read them at all.  At least, no one ever posts comments to the blog site, and few send messages referring to the material in the column.

 This week I want everyone who reads the column to send me a very brief email message with the answers to just two questions:

  1. Do you read the columns each week?  (A simple yes or no answer will suffice)
  2. Do you open the attachment that comes with the alert, or do you go online and read the column on the Internet?
Send your responses to me at my Comcast email address, which you can get from the alert message that I send every Saturday morning.  I won’t type it in here, because I don’t want to broadcast my address for anyone who happens upon the column.

Obviously, if everyone who reads the column takes the time to reply to me, I’ll know what I need to know – how many people merely delete the alert without reading at all.  If I learn that very few read the column, I might, after nine years, discontinue it. Or, I might decide to go ahead and print out the column in the alert message.  We’ll see.

Thank you in advance for your response.
