Saturday, November 14, 2015

Puleeze Stop Using the "R-word"

This will be a short column, and I'm sure it will piss off some of you. Be that as it may, I have to get this off my chest once and for all!

I sent out an email message that was (I admit) controversial.  Most of you who read my columns received it, so I wont describe it here except to reveal that it identified none other than the infamous Adolph Hitler - may he rot in Hell.  But the clues were eerily similar to the biography of another leader and would lead to a misidentification for some.

One of the offended parties who received the email took offense and wrote back a scathing email message labeling me a racist for equating that cursed Austrian (not German) Bastard with our current president.

I beg to differ, and I am not a racist. My neighborhood is about evenly divided between Blacks and Whites, and I smile and greet everyone exactly the same every day.  I hold no fear nor malice for any of my neighbors regardless of the color of their skin. I repeat: I am not a RACIST!

When will the liberals and (well , let me come out and print it) Democrats stop using the hateful "R-word" to defend their leader even when it doesn't apply, which is most of the time?  Whenever they can't debate or refute the message, they will impugn the character of the messenger. It's supposed to be the conversation stopper and it used to work, but not anymore..

The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King once said that he prayed for a time when a person was judged, not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.  For many of us, including me, that time has come. I leave it to you to parse that statement.