Saturday, May 4, 2013

Even Ugly Dogs are Cute

My daughter recently bought a new puppy, company for our wonderful grandpuppy, Abby.  The new one is a French Bulldog, while Abby is a Dachshund.

The French Bulldog is part English Bulldog and American Bulldog, is a miniature breed, and has the typical flat face the all bulldogs exhibit.  I could tell you that the new pup, Genevieve—a.k.a. "Vivie"—is a pretty little thing and I'd be justified to say so, but let's face it, bulldogs are not bred of their good looks.

The term "pug ugly" didn't originate without good reason, and the bulldog has that same pushed-in face as a pug.  It is a little known fact that these dogs, though they love water, are not able to swim any distance and are subject to drowning.  That's because their short faces make it impossible to swim and breathe at the same time. 

We went over to the daughter's house for our Sunday dinner and to meet the new girl, and, of course, we fell in love with her immediately.  She is soft and gentle and gets along very nicely with her big sister.  And Abby is equally playful with Vivie, the two of them tearing around the back yard with their doggy toys.

One activity that Vivie has introduced Abby to, one that we don't understand, is 'worming', where she gets her little face right down on the ground and apparently pulls earthworms up into her mouth.  We don't know how she senses their presence, but she has uncanny skill in finding and getting them.  Now, if it were truffles that would be a good thing. Abby isn't as proficient at 'worming' and I don't think she likes the taste of them, since she quit the game after a short time.

Little dogs are thought to be feisty, but these two have, so far, been playful with each other.  They both will nip the other's ears, and the occasional growl signals displeasure, but they don't fight at all, and seem to be the best of buddies right from the get-go. We hope that lasts.

Here are a couple of pictures of our cute little grandpuppies.
