Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Nation in Disgrace

I am not writing my column this week as a political statement. I would write it with just as much invective and temper if the roles were reversed and the other party was in power.

No, I am writing this as a patriotic American Citizen and I am ashamed of the events of this past week, when a foreign president of a nation that purposefully exports riff-raff, criminals, and known terrorists to the United States can come to our country and speak with our president and our congress in opposition to a federal law that is only now being enforced on a portion of our border with his nation, and actually be cheered and given a standing ovation for that opposition.

What a disgrace!

Of course this is a hot issue, and there are two sides to it, and many will say, “How can you defend this state, which is breaking federal and human rights laws? Arizona is on the wrong side of this issue.”

Well, you are not only wrong, you are dead wrong! (I hope that is not prophetic)

It has come to light–and I give Wolf Blitzer full credit for this–that Eric Holder, Our Attorney General, has not even read the bill he is criticizing. Not only that, but several other federal officials, including Janet Napolitano and, yes, President Obama, have said that they have not read the bill either. Yet they have the gall to take a stand against it and call it “unconstitutional.”

Apparently, most of the members of Congress also have not read the bill they are so critical of, because they stood and cheered President Calderon for his anti-Arizona–and hence anti-American–speech.

Maybe our representatives and senators owe it to us to actually read Arizona SB 1070.

Maybe you owe it to yourself to read the bill, too.

Here, for your perusal, is the “infamous” document, SB 1070. If you don’t read it, then you are not informed, and there is nothing more dangerous to our nation than an uninformed public that votes.

The bill is only 16 pages, so it shouldn’t take up more than an hour of your time. I can give you a preview of what you will read, however. SB 1070 makes frequent and purposeful references to federal law as the guiding document. And when I say frequent, I mean there are 20 specific citations of federal statutes as the overruling and guiding law, plus numerous references to deferral or subservience to federal authorities and federal statutes.

Just in case you are still unconvinced that I am righteous in my indignation at our elected federal officials, here are two investigative news clips from station WSB in Atlanta that detail who is actually coming across our southern border.
If you can read SB 1070 and watch those two short videos and still support the criminals in Washington on this issue, you are worse than one of those uninformed citizens. You are an ignorant American.