Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Tale about Tails

Have you heard the latest news? Jerry Sandusky was caught in the shower abusing Herman Cain. Or maybe it was the other way around, I don’t know which is worse…

Just kidding, that didn’t happen, but don’t put it past the mainstream media to try to print something that ridiculous if it will sell the news.

I’m going to attempt to cover two topics in this column, and they are about the two people named above, Jerry Sandusky and Herman Cain. Well, obviously both have been in the news a lot lately, Sandusky for his alleged child abuse and Cain for his alleged sexual harassment.

Note: Both of these cases are about S-E-X. Child abuse was when my father used to use his razor strop and give me 10 or 20 lashes depending on the severity of my misdeed in his mind. There was nothing sexual about it, so I wish the news media would quit calling what Jerry Sandusky was alleged to have done, “child abuse.” Properly labeled, it was homosexual pedophilia.

Note 2: Sexual harassment, on the other hand, can be anything from demeaning remarks about the opposite gender to making uninvited and unwanted sexual advances. However, it is rare for sexual harassment to occur between members of the same sex, or when a female perpetrates it on a male. (Kind of like saying that racism can only be committed by whites on blacks, but not by black-on-white or black-on-black—unless the black who commits it happens to be a conservative black.)

Now, let me examine these two alleged cases of—let’s call them what they are—sexual abuse for you.

First I have a confession to make; one that I have never discussed with anyone in the 50+ years sine it happened. I want to be considered an “expert” on this topic, so I must tell you that I was a victim of sexual abuse as a young boy. I won’t mention any name, and it would be irrelevant at this time anyway, because my molester is long since dead.

Enough said for now…

It is my firm opinion that a person who commits sexual acts of the alleged nature that has been reported is addicted to that behavior. They do not have the ability to stop it, and they cannot be rehabilitated or reformed. Once they are committed to the act, they will continue to commit it wherever and whenever they can. There is no “come to Jesus” moment for these addicts. They are hooked for life.

In the case of Jerry Sandusky, his first reported act was in 1998. That was when another coach saw him in the shower with a younger male. He was later seen several times in situations that suggested covert or overt sexual behavior with young males. That pattern of behavior over a span of several years suggests the addiction I refer to above. If it proves to be true, Jerry Sandusky is every bit the threat to young males today as he was in 1998. It has even come out now that he may have abused his grand children.

When people are convicted of pedophilia, whether heterosexual or homosexual, I can think of only one appropriate punishment: castration. They might want to continue to commit acts, but they will no longer have the equipment to do so effectively. Women who are addicted to pedophilia can also have their own form of castration. It is called female circumcision, but more commonly referred to in our society as female genital mutilation.

Ah, but there is an exception that must be taken into consideration. It is unfortunate that cases of statutory rape could also be construed as pedophilia, and I don’t advocate for the radical punishment in those instances. I can only suggest that the line between the two be drawn at six years of age difference. Since 18 is the usual age of majority that would give some leeway for young adults up to 23-years-old having consensual sex with a minor.

Please notice that, although my suggested punishment is severe, I do not feel that serving a term in prison is an adequate or appropriate sentence for convicted pedophiles. That kind of punishment would only foster more bad behavior both in prison and after release.
The mutilation sentence would be sufficient in my view.

In the case of alleged sexual harassment against Herman Cain, I will refer you back to the above belief on my part that a person who commits these acts is addicted and continues to commit them for the rest of their life. Therefore, we should be seeing a lot of women who worked for, or had contact with Mr. Cain in many cities and on many different calendar dates since the alleged acts 10 years ago, coming forward with more charges.

To date*, I believe all of the women who have alleged sexual misconduct on Mr. Cain’s part have been from Chicago. All the alleged acts were said to have taken place within the four years, 1996-1999, when Mr. Cain was head of the National Restaurant Association.

Isn’t it exceedingly strange that nobody else has brought up charges of sexual misconduct from 2000 to the present day? Isn’t it also strange that all the misconduct occurred in and around the city of Chicago? Is there something in the water there that temporarily turns people into sex fiends? Is there any possible connection between the city where the charges were laid and the city our current president calls home?

I might be way off base here, but remember, I consider myself an expert analyst. I know from my own experience that coming forward to accuse someone of sexual misconduct is a very difficult thing to do. I suffered a lot of guilt over the years that maybe I had been a direct cause of the abuse. I was also embarrassed and mortified to admit to anyone that I had participated, even though it was not consensual. (I don’t recall seeing any names of Mr. Sandusky’s victims, and there is a reason for that. Those boys were probably also reluctant to confess participation.)

I believe Herman Cain’s statement that he had nothing to do with any of these women’s allegations. He is guiltless in my opinion, and a stronger candidate because of it. Jerry Sandusky is in a much worse position to plead not guilty, and I wish castration were on the table for him.

In conclusion I have only two more questions, both rhetorical:
1. If you believed my “confession” without any concrete proof, doesn’t that make my statement equally as credible as those of the five women who accused Herman Cain?
2. But thinking back, didn’t that titillating paragraph give you more reason to read the entire column?

Maybe I should have been a news reporter.

*I wrote all of the foregoing prior to the announcement earlier this week by Ginger White that she has had a 13-year-long affair with Herman Cain. That brings into question my theory that sexual offenders are addicted and continue their behavior and Cain is not one of those people.

Do I believe the accuser or the accused? I definitely believe Mr. Cain for three reasons. He denies the allegation and his wife backs him and states that she does not believe he is capable of such behavior. Those who know Herman on a personal or working setting agree that he is not that kind of person. Ginger White has a long and shadowed past of stalking, sexual harassment and financial troubles. She recently declared bankruptcy, so it would seem to be to her advantage to get some sensational national publicity that might lead to better days ahead.

If Herman Cain does quit the campaign, it won’t necessarily signify that he is guilty of the alleged transgressions. It is more logical to conclude that the character assassination is ruining his family life regardless of the truth. The double standard used by the news media that allows some people a pass on misconduct, but crucifies others for the same behavior merely because of their political philosophy is ridiculous. The talking heads talk about civility and toning down the language, but practice destructive slander based on nothing but innuendo and, in some cases, lies.