Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Thanksgiving Tale

We celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday, and I have a lot to be thankful for—good friends, family and a lot of blessings.  One of the best of those is my wife of 50 years, Judy.  Yes, we celebrated our Golden Anniversary in June and, while we are no longer the lovebirds we once were, we have seen a lot of what I call marriage miracles. 

My health problems started in 1980, and have continued for over 32 years, but through all the trials and tribulations, the 911 calls and hospital stays, the ups and downs that go with this malady, my wife has been my constant companion, my nurse, my cajoler, and my inspiration.  Without her I would have been on the brown side of the grass years ago.

Judy and I were reminiscing on our long marriage the other day, and I asked if she thought she might remarry if I were to die before her.  She was adamant in her response that she wouldn’t think of it!  I said that I probably would remarry if only to have a housekeeper, a cook and a good tax deduction all rolled up into one.

Well, of course that sparked some nasty comments and dirty looks, but I thought I’d get off the hook by saying that it is highly unlikely that I’m going to outlive her anyway given my 30-some-odd-years of coronary disease. After all, her dad lived to age 95 and her mom is still alive well into her 90s.

Her answer to that was priceless to me… She said, “No, I doubt that I’ll outlive you. They just put new batteries in your pacemaker and you keep on going.  You’re my ‘Energizer Bunny’”.  Well, I can think of worse epithets and nothing says love like a nickname.

I’ve got to tell that one to my doctor the next time I visit him. I know he’ll get a kick out of it.

I trust that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, ate lots of turkey, watched lots of football and had a good nap.  I also hope you took time to reflect on all your blessings too.