Well, it has happened again. I sent out a controversial, political column last week and it brought me more responses than those of a humorous or educational nature. The column I wrote the previous week, about the moon landing of Neil Armstrong and the myth surrounding his comments while there on that truly foreign surface, brought zero replies.
I've thought about discontinuing the column, which has been a weekly exercise for me for nearly fifteen years. I wonder how many people take the time to read it and do they actually benefit from my anecdotes, truths and advice. Sometimes I think I'm just writing reflections for myself. (Now that I wrote that, a lot of the time that is what I'm doing; merely saving my weekly thoughts and sharing myself with you.)
Since I never asked you to 'subscribe' to the WWC, maybe it's inappropriate for me to expect comments, but I certainly do appreciate it when I do get them, whether positive or negative. I do try to acknowledge your kudos or criticism. It isn't so much that I need positive reinforcement, but I like to know that I inspired your thinking on my subjects.
No, I won't quit the column, but my expectations might have to be lowered a few notches, depending upon the reaction to this particular one. We'll see...