Saturday, February 16, 2013

Glacier Calving Phenomenon

I received the same message twice last week from different people.  The subject was Glacier Calving, and both messages included the same video of approximately five minutes in length.  Nothing was mentioned in the accompanying text about any strange phenomena within the video footage, probably because the video is a strange event in itself.

I noticed something about halfway through the first viewing that didn't appear to relate directly to the ice break up.  I finished the viewing and then went back and watched it several more times to be sure I saw what I thought I did.

To set this up, I'm going to introduce the video as it was presented in the email message:

On May  28, 2008, Adam LeWinter and Director Jeff Orlowski filmed a historic  breakup at the Ilulissat Glacier in Western  Greenland. The calving event lasted for 75 minutes and the glacier retreated a full  mile across a calving face three miles wide. The height of the ice is  about 3,000 feet, 300-400 feet above water and the rest below water.  An area approximately the size of Manhattan calved. 

I'm not going to divulge what the strange sight is, since I don't want to influence your viewing, but I will tell you approximately where it occurs; at the 1:30 mark. From there forward to the 2:00 mark, you might see what I saw.

If you do not observe the same weird thing as I did, you're welcome to email me and I'll give you some other clues.  However, I believe that you will see it if you pay very close attention. If not, either my vision needs correcting, or you just can't believe what appears in the middle of an inland glacier.

Now, click on the link I provided above to watch the video and prepare to be amazed!